Vendor Application Form

* Your vendor application is not confirmed until we receive 1. Your signed application, 2. Your deposit, and 3. Your health department license in PDF form *


14 + 13 =

I agree to and accept the Liability Statement below:

Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, vendors by execution of this form, release and discharge the Bigfork Area Chamber of Commerce, the State of Montana, town of Bigfork, County of Flathead, their officers, directors, employees, agents, servants or representatives and anyone else connected with the presentation of this event, from any known and unknown damages, losses, injuries, judgments, and/or claims from any cause that may be suffered by entrants to his/her person or property. Each entrant agrees to indemnify all foregoing entities, forms and persons of any and all liability occasioned or resulting from the conduct of an entrant, vendor or participant assisting with entrant or vendor under the direction or control of the event. Vendor hereby grants permission to the organizers of the event to use any photos and names for publication pertaining to the event.

Your name in the box above constitutes your signature to our liability statement.

Your Vendor Application is not confirmed until we have designated a space for you, deposited your funds and received your signed application.